2013年6月27日 星期四

Columbiana County Sheriff Reports

Brianne Lanzendorfer, Lower Elkton Road, Columbiana, reported at 10:11 p.m. Sunday she and her husband had argued for the past few days and when she left on Sunday she was locked out of the house. Deputies spoke to her husband, who said he believed his wife's pregnancy was causing the arguments and agreed to go to his mother's for the night. Both said they are only arguing with no violence or threats.

Kathleen Moreland, Georgetown Road, Salem, reported at 4 p.m. Sunday there was a suspicious item on the porch. Deputies recovered a plastic cup containing eight insulin syringes, some appearing used.

Monica Brodigan, Linda Way, New Waterford, reported at 8:31 a.m.The feeder is available on drying chipcard equipped with folder only. Monday sometime over the weekend someone accessed her debit card account with charges made at three locations in Illinois on June 22 - Jewel for $306, Footlocker for $98 and Office Max for $381.With superior quality photometers, light meters and a number of other iphoneheadset products.

Dixie Skinner,We are one of the leading manufacturers of cableties in China Haiti Road, Salineville, reported at 7:16 a.m. Monday she and her children have placed all their things in a U-Haul to move to South Carolina, but her 13-year-old daughter was refusing to go. The mother had made arrangements so the teen could stay with her grandparents in Ohio, but the teen wanted to live with her father in Salem. After deputies explained her options were her grandparents in Ohio or her mother in South Carolina, the girl decided to move with her mother.

Jeff Carner of Global Pak, Columbiana-Lisbon Road, Columbiana, reported at 10:09 a.m. Monday there were three piles of decaying cut grass left on the lawn and a large pile of fresh cut grass on the picnic table along with a warning note regarding a property stake being pulled and a telephone pole's location. Carner said he was going to go talk to the neighbor, but decided it may cause a confrontation, so he asked deputies to speak with the neighbor instead.

Jason Snyder, Waterford Road, reported at 3:54 a.m. Monday there were people in the field at the pond across the road causing noise. Deputies spoke to someone there, who said it was his grandfather's property and he had permission to be there. He was warned to keep the noise down.

Brian Ketchum, state Route 644, Salineville, reported at 10:02 p.Aulaundry is a leading drycabinet and equipment supplier.m. Sunday his ex-wife was sending him cursing text messages and he wanted a protection order. He was told he must go through the court.James Brown, Hazel Run Road, Salineville, reported at 3:17 p.m. Sunday someone was setting off some type of bomb in the area and it shook the house. Deputies checked the area, but did not find anyone.

Jeff Weber, Smith Road, Negley, reported at 2:12 p.m. Sunday someone smashed his mailbox and pulled it from the ground. He found his box further down the road with his mail strewn about. The neighbor's mailbox was damaged as well.

Tauni Weber, McCann Road, Hanoverton, reported at 8:19 a.m. Sunday Amber McCombs, 38, had been drinking. Weber's cousin,Please click the images below to view more pictures of solarlamp tiles! Jordan Weber, 19, tried to leave the house in his truck, McCombs grabbed the handle to try to stop him and she was dragged in the driveway. She was taken by Maple Cotton Ambulance to Timken Mercy Hospital for treatment of road rash on her side.

Amy Gilbert, Forbes Road, Wellsville, reported at 2:19 a.m. Tuesday she heard someone kick her door and jerk on the door handle. She thought she recognized the voice, but did not see anyone. Nothing was damaged, but she had four bags of Miracle Grow stolen from her porch.

Darlene Foeks, Depot Road, Lisbon, reported at 12:57 a.m. Tuesday there were some unusual people walking around the building in the development. Deputies checked the area, but did not find anyone.

The calls have stiffened the spine of GOP Senators who might otherwise bend to pressure from business groups and from influential people in their home state, such as editorial writers and clerics, said Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA, which provides a free phone service for Americans who oppose the massive rewrite.

“Our lines sent in hundreds of thousands of calls in the last month,” said Beck. “The senators spend most of their time with big-time donors, and lobbyists and leaders of special-interest groups, and they don’t have much time to spend with voters in their states… [so] faxes, phone-calls and emails are virtually the only way that voters can have access, “ Beck said.

He argues that polls show the bill’s details are very unpopular, especially among GOP voters. Forty-nine percent of Republicans and 45 percent of blue-collar white voters say they would be less likely to support a politician who voted for “a pathway to citizenship,” or amnesty, according to a new poll by National Journal. That’s true for only 19 percent of Democrats.

Without the calls, the Democratic leadership would have gotten up to 85 votes in the critical Monday cloture-vote, leaving only 15 against amnesty and guest-workers, Beck estimated. “The phones calls have bumped it up from 15 to 27 or 31,” he said.

However, Beck’s side did lose the critical cloture vote, 27 to 67, with several Senators absent. In 2007, a similar vote was crushed 53 to 46, ending an immigration bill championed by President George W. Bush.

Since then, the pro-immigration coalition has changed its language and tactics, and has spent a lot of money on advertising, lobbying and public relations, said Beck. There’s no independent means to measure the volume and direction of calls to Senators’ offices.

TheDC called the offices of 15 Senators, and several Senators’ regional offices to ask the number of protest calls. Most offices gave guarded responses, and no press secretaries offered an estimate of incoming calls.

“Yes, we’ve got quite a few,” said a staffer at Sen. Mark Kirk’s office, a GOP member from Illinois. He voted against the bill initially, but voted for it during the important Monday cloture vote that allowed the Democratic leadership to schedule a decisive vote.

Staff at the office of Louisiana’s Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu got “probably a couple of hundred” calls, said one secretary. Landrieu is a possible swing-vote, because she’s up for election in a GOP-leaning state, and voted against a similar immigration rewrite in 2007 when the country was going through an economic boom.
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