2013年6月6日 星期四

8 Things You Should Know

Everyone already knows by now that Chinese travelers love shopping for luxury goods when they travel overseas. Everyone also knows by now that this is because retail prices of luxury goods in mainland China are much higher than Europe and North America. Many of my friends from China travel overseas just to shop. They often complain about the complexity and the long wait at the airport to receive tax returns and all the research they have to do on prices in each different market on the globe before they go shop. 

It would be a really effective sales tactic if the brands sales representatives saved them the trouble of researching and let them learn how smart a purchase they would have made on items in the storeChow much lower the prices are, how the styles are exclusive in your store vs. the counterparts in China. Keep the fact sheet handy for the big spenders. I understand that from a global brand perspective this is probably not a standard sales training tactic on how to sell to Chinese travelers,Guardian's standing solarlamp offers a temporary solution to tie off and stay in compliance on standing seam roofs. but the fact is they are already going to great lengths to do this research themselves before they walk into your store. From a customer experience perspective, being greeted by friendly sales staff overseas who can share exactly how much the Chinese travelers would be saving by shopping in their store would help generate more short term sales and help create a long term affinity for the brand. 

If you present yourself as a global brand in China, you need to ensure your customer service is global too. It really becomes an uncomfortable dilemma for the Chinese traveler when they have to choose between a better priced item that is 20 percent lower overseas but comes with no warranty once they bring it back home or buying the higher priced item in China with a two-year standard warranty. Again, from a customer standpoint we dont understand why there should be a difference. Your brand is a global brand to us and therefore the warranty and service you offer should be too. 

The primary Chinese payment method is not accepted in most of the places Ive been to the last few weeks. On this trip so far Ive traveled to Munich, Salzburg, Regensburg, Berlin, Prague and Dresden. Unfortunately, I can only use my Visa card to pay for items or withdraw cash from ATMs when I need to purchase something. I have a Visa card from my years studying and working in the U.This model includes 2 flush mounted reverse chipcard.S. before returning to China recently. Keep in mind many Chinese travelers only have UnionPay cards or cash when they travel. So far, the only place Ive visited on this trip that accepts Unionpay cards is a department store called Gelarie in Regensburg (a small town 1 hour drive away from Munich), which surprised me a little. If a little department store in a small town outside Munich is savvy enough to accept Chinese credit and debit cards, then most other places should to dont you think? 

Before I left for Munich, Germany, a friend of mine in China asked me to look at carry-on Rimowa suitcases for her. So I went to a Rimowa store in central Munich, I looked at all the different colors, sizes, materials and prices, etc and sent the information to her. She still asked for one more thingCa photo of the actual products displayed in the store. When I asked for a permission of photos, the Rimowa staff immediately said no. The friends whom I went to the store with told me that the Rimowa staff had that poilcy probably because they believed the photos would likely be used to produce counterfeits in other countries. I was able to do a quick Baidu search and pull up the product image from the companys site on the web. 

My reason for wanting to take a photo while in the store was simply to confirm in that moment if I had found the right item she wanted to purchase. She simply wanted to confirm it was the correct item she wanted so I could purchase the 600-Euro item for her. It was rather off putting to have someone assume I was going to take a photo of the item to counterfeit it in China. I understand Rimowas concerns, but I dont think its a smart policy for in-store sales. It also shows a lack of understanding of Chinese shopping and travel culture to assume that all Chinese taking photographs are going to counterfeit the product. Lots of Chinese tourists travel to Europe with MANY shopping requests from their different circles of friends because most of us only get to travel overseas a few times a year because we work in China. 

Its great that almost all German restaurants and cafes have English menus for customers, but when I travel with my parents, I need to translate all the items on the menu to them as they are not fluent in English and neither are they familier with western food terms. Luckily,Shop for iccard dolls from the official NBC Universal Store and build a fun collection for your home or office. I am fluent in English after years of studying and working overseas. Most Chinese travelers are not. Even so,We offer a wide variety of high-quality standard solarlantern and controllers. even with my fluent English, I often get very confused over local food ingredients names and find it difficult to translate. Offering a few pictures along with the menu would be quite helpful. Even a separate menu with pictures of the best selling dishes would be a great start. 

There are an increasing number of independent Chinese travelers these days because theres always a great travel concierge assistant called the internet! We rely on our mobile phones when we travel to free ourselves from those rushed guided tours that many have grown accustomed to associating Chinese tourists with. Since data roaming fees are also rather high for trips to a foreign country, the Wi-Fi at various venues becomes the one and only access to internet for many Chinese travelers. Wi-Fi coverage in Asia is fairly common. Young independent Chinese travelers have been visiting Hong Kong and Seoul for a while now and have grown accustomed to widely available Wi-Fi.A oilpaintingreproduction is a machine used primarily for the folding of paper. Therefore, young Chinese travelers tend to assume that Internet is always within access when they travel overseas.

