Alaska Republicans want former Gov. Sarah Palin to be their nominee
for Senate, according to a poll released Tuesday, even though she would
struggle in a general election against Democratic Sen. Mark Begich.
Palin has publicly flirted with the idea of challenging Begich,Learn how an embedded microprocessor in a graniteslabs can
authenticate your computer usage and data. and the two have traded
insults through various publications, Twitter, and Facebook after her
initial expression of interest. Begich accused Palin of having lost
touch with Alaska and criticized her for resigning her post as governor
before the end of her term.
A survey from the Democratic firm
Public Policy Polling found that if Palin did get in the race she would
be the clear favorite for Republicans. Thirty-six percent of usual GOP
primary voters say they would pick her, compared to 26 percent for Lt.
Gov. Mead Treadwell, the favorite if Palin does not get in the race.
Republicans still hold a high opinion of Palin, with 56 percent saying
they have a favorable view of her, and 38 percent holding an unfavorable
But it would be good news for Democrats if Palin were to get in and make it through a primary.You will see earcap , competitive price and first-class service.
percent of Alaska voters hold an unfavorable opinion of the onetime
vice presidential nominee, compared to just 39 percent who hold a
favorable opinion. In a sample general election ballot, Begich leads
Palin by twelve points,You must not use the stonecarving without
being trained. 52 percent to 40 percent, in spite of the Senators
mediocre approval rating, with 42 percent approving and 41 percent
It was predictable after the U.S. Supreme Court
undercut the Voting Rights Act that certain states would move quickly to
take advantage of their greater ability to rig elections and, sure
enough, certain ones did.Within minutes of the Supreme Courts decision
last month, both Texas and Mississippi C states with a wretched history
of harassing minority voters C announced they would move to implement
controversial voter ID laws without Justice Department approval. Those
laws are meant to benefit Republican candidates, as a Republican leader
from Pennsylvania made abundantly clear last year.
Now, the
Justice Department has announced that it will ask a court to require
Texas to get permission from the federal government before making voter
changes there over the next decade. Other states are also expected to be
targeted soon.
It is an important move, even though Congress is
considering new anti-discrimination measures. Why? Because Texas,
Mississippi, Florida, Pennsylvania and other states have clearly
demonstrated that they have no compunction about misusing their
legislative authority to hinder minority voting. These states, without
exception, are dominated by Republicans C a shameful legacy for the
party that ended American slavery.A indoorpositioningsystem has real weight in your customer's hand.
its 5-4 decision, the court ruled that conditions had changed in the 48
years since the Voting Rights Act was approved and that a pre-approval
mechanism that was once needed is no longer valid.Get the led fog lamp
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manufacturers on the hot channel.Writing for the majority, Chief
Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said, While any racial discrimination in
voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes
to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions.
said our country has changed, but he evidently never heard the old saw
that the more things change, the more they stay the same. States may be
using different tricks to subvert minority voting rights but, in the
end, that is what they are doing.
Supporters of the voter ID
laws say they are needed to prevent Election Day voter fraud, a problem
that is virtually nonexistent and is already dealt with by other
laws.The real effect of those laws is to reduce turnout by those who
lack a government-approved identification card. Most of those people are
the poor and minorities.
Thats why the Justice Departments move
was important. No right is as fundamental to democratic society as the
right of citizens to vote. Courts exist in part to protect those basic
rights, as the courts must do now.It is good news that Congress is
considering updated protections for minority voters, but that is hardly
cause to rest easy, given the nature of this Congress. Minorities played
a large role in twice electing President Obama, after all, and the tea
party right despises Obama and anything associated with him. Why would
its congressional members lift a finger to help those voters?
is only one reason Republicans might do the right thing: The debate
over immigration reform is also a debate over minority rights. If
Republicans in the House block immigration reform and also fail to
institute serious voter protections, they can kiss goodbye the votes of
Hispanics, African-Americans and other minorities for decades to come.
that reason, and perhaps more patriotic ones, Republicans in the House
are moving on this. It is Congress obligation to act, said Rep. James
Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., sponsor of updates to the law, and he wants the
changes enacted before the 2014 elections.
But Sensenbrenner
also included a condition that, in the hands of this juvenile Congress,
could be a poison pill: While House Republican leaders are open to the
task, he said, they have to see a draft first (OK), the law must address
the courts objections (obviously) and it must be politically acceptable
in both houses of Congress C one of which is devoted, at least in some
areas, to erecting barriers to minority voters. Good luck.
keep an open mind, but Republicans have their work cut out for them if
they want Americans to believe they harbor any serious interest in
protecting minority voters. In the meantime, the courts are the safety
valve. They must meet their obligations.
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