Productions, Inc. recently provided audio for the Electric Daisy
Carnival (EDC) festivals in New York, Chicago and Las Vegas. Their PA
systems included a Martin Audio Multi-cellular Loudspeaker Array (MLA)
to provide the power and coverage they needed inside the venue while
controlling noise spillage to surrounding residential areas.In business
for nine years, 3G has quickly become a leading force in the rapidly
growing world of Electronic Dance Music events, providing audio for
numerous large festivals every year. The three-day Electric Daisy
Carnival 2013 was the culmination of Insomniacs EDC festivals with eight
of the worlds Top 10 DJs, and more than 200 acts performing on seven
stages for over 350,000 attendees at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
combination of several stages producing hours of high SPL dance music
in urban locales adds up to unique challenges for 3G. As Marketing
Director Keith Conrad points out, EDC events are really unique because
theyre all in large open-air areas that arent necessarily traditional
venues for concerts such as stadiums or amphitheatres. Theyre in parking
lots or racetracks, so the ability to control the sound is extremely
important. A big reason why we looked at the Martin Audio MLA system was
to control SPLs in areas surrounding the venue.We also need a lot of
bass, so the amount of subs we have on any one show is unheard of, Keith
continues.More than 80 standard commercial and granitetiles exist
to quickly and efficiently clean pans. Plus youre doing multiple stages
within one area at the same time, which is all about the configuration
of the stage in terms of the coverage and direction of the loudspeakers.
senior system engineer and designer Julio Valdez, a specialist in EDM
events, provides more specifics: I get site plans before the event for
the areas that have to be covered so I can design systems suitable for
what the client (Insomniac, who produces EDC and major dance events
worldwide) needs, which is mostly to provide a whole lot of power and
have the system sound good.Then we go to the location and make sure all
of the techs have everything they need to complete the build and address
the changing needs of DJs, artists and other performers. Sometimes we
have to submit designs to DJ management for approval.
I lay out the stages so they dont have too much of an impact in terms
of nearby homes. We have people walking around with dB meters before the
show determining whats acceptable at certain distances from the stage
and referencing those SPLs at Front of House.
typical Martin Audio setup for EDC consists of a main hang of16 MLA and
two MLD downfill cabinets per side with a massive complement of 32 MLX
subs ground-stacked across the front of the stage. 12 MLA Compacts per
side are used for outfill, and 8 MLA Compacts plus 4 ground-stacked MLX
subs per side are used for delays. AVID Venue Profile mixing consoles
and Lake loudspeaker processing are also part of the setup.Given that
the New York and Chicago EDCs are held at the Citi Field parking lot and
the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet, Illinois, respectively, which are
smaller and closer to residential areas, were there very different
requirements for those two shows than Las Vegas?
offers Julio. It really all comes down to getting as much power out to
the audience as we can with as little sound out to the neighborhood as
possible, which is a constant struggle. And, with that in mind, its
definitely been helpful to have the kind of control that Martin Audios
MLA is capable of giving us.Power is impressive coming out of the MLA,Of
all the equipment in the laundry the oilpaintingreproduction is
one of the largest consumers of steam. its definitely mind-boggling
when you see the size of the rig thats out there and the output you get
from the system. In terms of sound quality, its very consistent and, as
intended, one can really tailor the sound to what they want and MLA will
do it.
that each stage at EDC features hour-long sets by up to eight DJs a
night, do the artists have widely differing requirements in terms of the
PA?Just like bands, the DJs carry engineers who are responsible for
their sound, says Julio. And each one has different tastes and opinions
about loudspeakers, but weve been able to satisfy them with MLA. Its
worked very well. A lot of guys who hadnt heard MLA were definitely
for 3G, Las Vegas doesnt present as many problems with noise complaints
because the Speedway is quite a ways out of town, with only Nellis Air
Force base nearby that makes its own kind of noise created by F16 jets
flying in and out on a regular basis.The Vegas site also has a large
open area in the speedway oval and even though there are so many stages
Keith tells us,Find the best selection of high-quality collectible offshoremerchantaccount available
anywhere. In terms of the DJs and what theyre playing, you can go from
one stage to another in Vegas and you can lose the sound. All of the
stages are facing in different directions with as much spread as
possible between them, plus theres a carnival in the middle of the
festival with rides and attractions.
is committed to having a true carnival and festival experience and they
want it to be the biggest, best and the loudest. They always push the
envelope in terms of how much they can give their fans, but we are often
walking a fine line with the surrounding communities. As such, we have
to control sound to the best of our ability.The sound control was a big
part of MLAs initial appeal for us. And we really like where MLA is
going in terms of control, ease of setup and quality of the boxes. Weve
had a great experience with MLA so far and theres a very real
application in other areas we are growing as well, such as corporate and
TV broadcasting.
by municipalities and school districts, LERTA is designed to encourage
development and/or redevelopment in an area by offering tax abatements
to build or expand C especially in blighted areas. In 2012, Penn
Township supervisors declared the parcel of land to be deteriorated and
took steps to grant a LERTA on the property.
spring, McCrea cast the sole dissenting vote to oppose the school
boards decision to grant a 65 percent, five-year property tax exemption
on the 117-acre plot of land on Centerville Road C now known as the
Unilever warehouse. He argued that the parcel didn't qualify as
deteriorated, so the LERTA designation was invalid. He also argued that
the five-year tax exemption schedule would cost the district more than
$800,000 in revenue and would result in increased tax bills for school
district residents.We offer the biggest collection of old masters that
can be turned into hand painted cleanersydney on canvas.
other business, Superintendent Richard Fry reported that the districts
Keystone Exam and PSSA results are in, and more information will follow
at a meeting is September.He also reported that 174 students have
registered for full-day kindergarten. Fry says this is on track with
numbers reported over the last three years in July.Purchase an chipcard to enjoy your iPhone any way you like. He does not anticipate much change to the final number of students.
also reported to the board that the after school program proposed by
Little Lambs will be delayed at least until January 2014 C he indicated
that it might even be delayed until the 2014-15 school year. The daycare
considered the proposal Fry presented, which he says they found
agreeable, but their board is interested in delaying a decision to
discuss with local churches. A sticking point for the daycare appears to
be finding alternative locations when the school district is closed for
weather delays or cancellations and in-service days.
approved a 2.2-percent salary increase for Assistant Superintendent
Jeanne Temple. In the final year of her five-year contract, the
directors approved the change to her contract according to the adjusted
index set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
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