2012年11月7日 星期三

The National Role Of Homenetmen From A Strategic Perspective

The 10th Homenetmen General Convention in Armenia (Sept. 2011) approved a detailed strategic plan that gives a clear direction to our organization. The final outcome of this strategic plan is to bring the necessary CHANGE within the organization to keep it vibrant, effective, beneficial as well as timely and relevant to the current and next generations. The underlying principles of the strategic plan are: a pan Armenian approach, flexible solutions to global challenges, and the necessity of culture change. This plan, the blueprint of which is being presented below, is currently at the beginning of its implementation phase.

Two major developments that evolved over the past few decades have left a lasting impression on the Armenian national geopolitical situation. First and foremost, with the advent of independent Armenia in1991, once again the Republic took center stage and grabbed the focus of the Armenian nation. Over the past 21 years much improvement has occurred in Armenia but it is fair to say that the state and its government have not been willing to prioritize social values in support of the advancement of a civil society. Parallel to this, and over four decades, sociopolitical developments in several Middle Eastern countries elicited emigration of a large numbers of Armenians to western countries. The combination of these two geopolitical events compelled the old Armenian Diaspora to become more heterogeneous. As a result, today’s Diaspora is comprised of a number of well-organized communities with the complexity of multiple subcultures,One of the most durable and attractive styles of flooring that you can purchase is ceramic or porcelain tiles. and of others that lack critical mass and/or an organized infrastructure.

Due to this new reality, the Armenian nation is now facing new challenges. A large Russian Diaspora has emerged and is just beginning to get organized. At the same time, the older Diaspora of Armenians residing in western countries and to a lesser extent the Middle Eastern societies, is experiencing the stress of integration with local societies. Concurrent with the above, globalization of the world as we knew it has changed with alarming rates, and information technology has impacted all aspects of our lives and in particular the lives of our youth. The result is a new and vibrant generation of young Armenians with dual identity existence, one of Armenian ethnic origin and another of the country of birth (or residence).

Those are serious national challenges that any concerned leadership needs to address. It is clear that neither the Armenian identity (in its traditional sense) will be sustained in the Diaspora nor would good citizenship be developed in Armenia, by a passive approach. Accordingly, an organization such as Homenetmen that strives to impact our society through scouting and sports will not succeed in its mission without adjustments and strategic change. Well conscious of the above, Homenetmen has analyzed its national responsibilities and has begun the journey of change through strategic planning, by attempting to define itself better, enhance its image, and most importantly find better solutions to an array of internal challenges.

Homenetmen is now a pan Armenian organization, active in the Republic as well as in the Diaspora. One would expect that an experienced youth organization with a solid infrastructure such as Homenetmen gathers a high strategic relevance with respect to the Armenian nation’s overall national aspirations. With its broad appeal and its apolitical yet patriotic mission, Homenetmen is the organization that is best suited to inspire and educate a large majority of the Armenian youth,A stone mosaic stands at the spot of assasination of the late Indian prime minister. including the disengaged youth.China plastic moulds manufacturers directory.Find detailed product information for howo spareparts and other products.

The reality is that when it comes to national relevance, Homenetmen needs to improve its image within the Armenian nation. Common sense implies that no Armenian organization or institution should work in a vacuum; all should seek the same ultimate national outcome which is to forge a stronger Armenian nation. Each organization has its activity niche and program priorities. For Homenetmen this translates into educating the adolescents,Interlocking security cable ties with 250 pound strength makes this ideal for restraining criminals. the youth and the next generations to develop better values, helping them become successful and engaged citizens while strengthening their Armenian identity and commitment to the Armenian nation. The methods which Homenetmen uses for this purpose are through scouting and sports.

As a collective group, Homenetmen’s contribution to our nation, society and to the communities that it serves, has been and continues to be highly undervalued. Yes, Homenetmen is perceived as an organization that creates long lasting friendships through scouting and sports. Homenetmen is also considered a good vehicle to visually show the Armenian collective force of its critical mass in parades and flag ceremonies or when organizing successful tournaments, jamborees and marches. In some countries, its success in soccer games has translated into national pride. However the true national value of Homenetmen transcends emotions. It resides in the fact that a truly large critical mass of young Armenians , at any given time tens of thousands, are being imbibed for many years in a healthy Armenian environment and consequently a significant number of them become leaders and activists in a multitude of other organizations and institutions, and or engaged supporters.

