Unless you work for a company in
an IT capacity you probably have no idea of the kind of infrastructure that goes
into keeping a business with hundreds of employees up and running. Multiply that
number by millions and you may wonder just how much power,A stone mosaic stands at the
spot of assasination of the late Indian prime minister. man hours, insurance,
cost, logistics and everything else goes into keeping that business operational.
Welcome to Verizon Wireless (VZW), the nations largest cellular provider.
Reviews Editor James Pikover and I were invited by VZW to visit one of their top-secret data centers. We were sworn to secrecy and asked to provide everything short of a blood sample before entering even receiving the address. An interesting note: you might live a block down from one such centers and be none the wiser. Go ahead and look out your window. Do you see a rather benign and bland structure with a few Verizon trucks parked in its lot? It could be one of them.
The Verizon Data Center that we visited is just one of many located in Southern California. I can tell you that we traveled far and wide to reach its location, and that we almost passed out from heat exhaustion.
We did a double take to be sure the address provided was correct. The building and property are the definition of nondescript. Inside we were greeted by a single security guard who prompted us to sign in and wait for someone to come fetch us. A few minutes and two security doors later we entered the brains of the Data Center. It’s a sharp, open room a dozen or so work stations,One of the most durable and attractive styles of flooring that you can purchase is ceramic or porcelain tiles. broken only by a handful of TV sets hung on the wall displaying everything from financial news to the weather channel. All of it practically sterile, and somewhat reminiscent of Homer’s workplace in the nuclear power plant…on the Simpsons. The command center seats up to about 15 employees, but requires only 2-3 people on duty to keep watch on the mostly automized system.Western Canadian distributor of ceramic and ceramic tile,
Adjacent to the command center, just steps away and hidden behind another security door, are stacks of servers that process calls and data for millions of customers across Southern California, and sometimes beyond. Verizon doesn’t share specifics when it comes to how much data or how many users are active on any individual site (though they did share that up to 5 million users are attached to this particular center during peak hours), but keen emphasis is placed on redundancy for all communications. All VZW centers have server redundancy between individual servers,We mainly supply professional craftspeople with crys talbeads wholesale shamballa Bracele , then server racks, all the way to entire server rooms. But it doesn’t stop there. Half of the building we visited is actually redundant; there are two nearly identical rooms so if any one entire section of the building stops functioning, the second part takes over instantly.The term 'hands free access control' means the token that identifies a user is read from within a pocket or handbag. And if both fail, then other centers locally– and eventually nationally — take over.
The data room filled with servers house thousands of computer chips, which individually emit a lot of heat. Combined it could bring a home air conditioning system to the melting point within seconds, yet the room is cool like a hospital, more akin to a grocery aisle freezer section temperature thanks to a water cooled AC system, which channels cool air through a 2-foot raised floor. That is to say the servers aren’t on the ground; in fact, they’re attached only to the ceiling, which anyone who has lived through an earthquake knows is a more stable place to be than the shaky floor (assuming, of course, that you have an infrastructure for it). The ceiling of the room is outfitted with a dizzying amount of colored cords and pipes, most funneling fiber optic cables that transfer vast amounts of data to and fro. The setup itself is amazing to behold, but at the same time it’s nearly impossible to expect the massive undertaking of opening communications to millions of people in any other way.
This server room is divided into a few sections: 3G , 4G LTE, and older 1x and 2x networks, as well as call-only servers. The 3G, the older generation network, which supports up to EVDO A+, takes up the bulk (about 50%) of the room because, as VZW told us, it’s much less efficient than LTE. The same can be said about 1x and 2x, which are available networks (if you live in areas with poor cell reception, you may seem them on your phone occasionally), which are slowly phasing out but take up another chunk of space on the floor.
As for LTE? The 4G servers fill one rack alone, including redundancy. In fact, all of LTE covered by the region this site covers is controlled by that single server. The level of efficiency is magnitudes better than any previous generation of cellular data. When LTE is more widespread not only will it actively include talk and data (today most LTE devices only use LTE for data while talk and texts are sent through the 3G networks), it’ll also do a better job on every end. Better efficiency means less power requirements, faster speeds, and in effect less problems for both users and carriers. VZW asked us to not show any photos of their LTE servers up close, as it could give away proprietary company secrets.
Reviews Editor James Pikover and I were invited by VZW to visit one of their top-secret data centers. We were sworn to secrecy and asked to provide everything short of a blood sample before entering even receiving the address. An interesting note: you might live a block down from one such centers and be none the wiser. Go ahead and look out your window. Do you see a rather benign and bland structure with a few Verizon trucks parked in its lot? It could be one of them.
The Verizon Data Center that we visited is just one of many located in Southern California. I can tell you that we traveled far and wide to reach its location, and that we almost passed out from heat exhaustion.
We did a double take to be sure the address provided was correct. The building and property are the definition of nondescript. Inside we were greeted by a single security guard who prompted us to sign in and wait for someone to come fetch us. A few minutes and two security doors later we entered the brains of the Data Center. It’s a sharp, open room a dozen or so work stations,One of the most durable and attractive styles of flooring that you can purchase is ceramic or porcelain tiles. broken only by a handful of TV sets hung on the wall displaying everything from financial news to the weather channel. All of it practically sterile, and somewhat reminiscent of Homer’s workplace in the nuclear power plant…on the Simpsons. The command center seats up to about 15 employees, but requires only 2-3 people on duty to keep watch on the mostly automized system.Western Canadian distributor of ceramic and ceramic tile,
Adjacent to the command center, just steps away and hidden behind another security door, are stacks of servers that process calls and data for millions of customers across Southern California, and sometimes beyond. Verizon doesn’t share specifics when it comes to how much data or how many users are active on any individual site (though they did share that up to 5 million users are attached to this particular center during peak hours), but keen emphasis is placed on redundancy for all communications. All VZW centers have server redundancy between individual servers,We mainly supply professional craftspeople with crys talbeads wholesale shamballa Bracele , then server racks, all the way to entire server rooms. But it doesn’t stop there. Half of the building we visited is actually redundant; there are two nearly identical rooms so if any one entire section of the building stops functioning, the second part takes over instantly.The term 'hands free access control' means the token that identifies a user is read from within a pocket or handbag. And if both fail, then other centers locally– and eventually nationally — take over.
The data room filled with servers house thousands of computer chips, which individually emit a lot of heat. Combined it could bring a home air conditioning system to the melting point within seconds, yet the room is cool like a hospital, more akin to a grocery aisle freezer section temperature thanks to a water cooled AC system, which channels cool air through a 2-foot raised floor. That is to say the servers aren’t on the ground; in fact, they’re attached only to the ceiling, which anyone who has lived through an earthquake knows is a more stable place to be than the shaky floor (assuming, of course, that you have an infrastructure for it). The ceiling of the room is outfitted with a dizzying amount of colored cords and pipes, most funneling fiber optic cables that transfer vast amounts of data to and fro. The setup itself is amazing to behold, but at the same time it’s nearly impossible to expect the massive undertaking of opening communications to millions of people in any other way.
This server room is divided into a few sections: 3G , 4G LTE, and older 1x and 2x networks, as well as call-only servers. The 3G, the older generation network, which supports up to EVDO A+, takes up the bulk (about 50%) of the room because, as VZW told us, it’s much less efficient than LTE. The same can be said about 1x and 2x, which are available networks (if you live in areas with poor cell reception, you may seem them on your phone occasionally), which are slowly phasing out but take up another chunk of space on the floor.
As for LTE? The 4G servers fill one rack alone, including redundancy. In fact, all of LTE covered by the region this site covers is controlled by that single server. The level of efficiency is magnitudes better than any previous generation of cellular data. When LTE is more widespread not only will it actively include talk and data (today most LTE devices only use LTE for data while talk and texts are sent through the 3G networks), it’ll also do a better job on every end. Better efficiency means less power requirements, faster speeds, and in effect less problems for both users and carriers. VZW asked us to not show any photos of their LTE servers up close, as it could give away proprietary company secrets.