The story is ... well, you tell me. Oh yeah, you didn't see it. Don't
worry. I actually watched the darn thing and still can't tell exactly
what it was about. There was a group of friends, a psychic, a horror
house, a ghost hunter, some sort of demon and Cory Feldman smoking what
I'm pretty sure was an electric cigarette. That's about as helpful as I
can be. Sorry.
Speaking of Feldman, he seems to be one of the big selling points of this feature,High quality stone mosaic
tiles. out this week on DVD, but he's in the movie for maybe 10
minutes. And I'm not saying anyone expects Feldman to make "Goodfellas,"
but even he should make better crap than this.
The rest of the
cast is a bunch of unknowns who I don't think will be making names for
themselves anytime soon. They're not terrible, but who could actually
make this incomprehensible script work anyway? Why did this thing earn a
green light?
I'll tell you why: Parts of "Hell" are shot on
location at a real Halloween attraction in Pennsylvania called the Hotel
of Horror, and the movie is an obvious selling pitch for the
attraction. It's a pretty lame excuse to make a pretty lame movie.
saddest part is, however, that the gimmick could've worked. The last
third of the movie takes place in the Hotel of Horror and has people
running around not knowing what's real and what's not. It provided
laughs and actual scares.
And hence, the film's biggest mistake:
"Hell" ends with Feldman's character ready to enter the hotel, and I
kept wondering why this wasn't the opening to the film. With Feldman in
the lead and the whole movie taking place inside the real attraction, we
could've been up for some real scares and some tongue in cheek moments.
Although Google is known for being a search engine, it makes
most of its money from selling advertising across all of its products.
In October it said that it had made $2.High quality stone mosaic tiles.18billion (1.36billion) in profits in the third quarter of the year.
that was a drop of 20 per cent from the year before, so the ability to
target adverts as precisely as possible at users is increasingly
Marketers know that recommendations from a real
person, ideally a friend, is much more valuable than an advertisement or
a recommendation from someone you don't know.
But anonymity and the right to use nicknames, or 'handles', is important to web users.
can add a married name to your Google+ profile, or if you have a
nickname that you are well known by and have a 'significant' online
following, you can use that.
But you have to prove to Google that you are that person by providing scanned documents or links to your online persona.
data specialist Christian Payne said: 'This is just another data
extraction technique. Google+, like Facebook, isn't free. You pay for it
with your identity. And they sell it on.'
Payne was one of the early victims of Google's insistence that users of the social network use their real names.
known on the web as Documentally, Payne was thrown off Google+ last
year. He said at the time: 'It's not that I don't want to put my real
name in. It's just that more people know me as Documentally than
Christian Payne.'
The search giant relented and Payne returned to the network, where his profile is Christian 'Documentally' Payne.
incredibly expensive to transport a person to or from the continent,
and in the middle of winter, it's physically impossible to get people
off of the South Pole," Dr. Scott Parazynski, director and chief medical
officer of UTMB's Center for Polar Medical Operations, said in a
statement. "So if you can remotely diagnose and treat the patient, and
then supervise his or her care, you're much better off."
provides remote medical support to three U.S. research outposts in
Antarctica, where temperatures reach 76 degrees below zero.
include McMurdo Station, which houses more than 1,200 people. A
hospital at that location employs physicians, nurses and staff aids.A
specialized manufacturer and supplier of dry cabinet,
UTMB also runs telemedicine sessions at Amundsen-Scott South Pole (ASP)
station, Palmer Station and two Antarctic research vessels.
remote consultations aid the work of on-site medical professionals,
which are called "doctors on ice." Connecting to doctors that specialize
in certain medical conditions is essential to ensuring the best health
outcomes for patients in remote and harsh environments, Emerson
UTMB has directed cardiological ultrasounds and
emergency appendectomies over the Polycom video system. Doctors can also
use electronic stethoscopes to listen to heart and lung sounds, rely on
handheld cameras to show lesions, and use ophthalmoscopes to provide a
view of the eyes, said Emerson.
"Polycom's standards-based video technologies allow medical devices including
cardiac ultrasounds to be easily plugged into them so the images can be
transferred through the video feed from any location," he said.
doctor in Galveston, Texas, could view a live stream of a patient's
cardiac ultrasound taking place at the South Pole, Emerson explained.
In August a cardiologist was able to remotely direct a cardiac ultrasound to save a patient's life.
"We're not set up to do general anesthesia and surgery, but this was a notable exception," said Parazynski.High quality stone mosaic
tiles. "We were lucky to have a surgeon there and to be able to direct
the anesthesia over the Polycom video system; it was pretty remarkable."
President Morsi insists his powers are temporary, and his
spokesmen have insisted he has had little choice but to work around
judges who are holdovers from the Mubarak area that stood in the way of a
new constitution. They say he won the presidency fair and square, and
should be given time to lead Egypt in a new direction.
But human
history has far more examples of extraordinary powers "briefly" assumed
that stretched into various authoritarianisms than of those used to
create democracies. And the Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi are busy
cutting deals with the institutions of Mubarak's state – his still
politically powerful military and various ministries – to cement their
power. Most of the so-called liberals who were in the constitutional
assembly (the body that is supposed to draft a new constitution) walked
off the job, claiming that Islamists were simply ignoring them.
large swathes of Egyptian's judiciary are promising to go on strike in
protest of Morsi's actions. The judges, like many appointed bureaucrats
from the Mubarak era, have had far more input into politics lately than
opposition politicians or the public, and so may get somewhere, though
the battle lines are hardening.
The president was reacting to
real problems when he immunized his decisions and the Constituent
Assembly from judicial oversight. The Brotherhood had been heavy-handed
in picking the Constituent Assembly, but it did so fully within the
rules drafted last year. And it is not clear that the opposition would
have been satisfied with any compromise over the composition of the body
or its work. The Brotherhood’s complaint — that many critics were
averse to allowing election results to have any impact on the document
or its authors — is firmly grounded.
Morsy’s defense of his
moves as designed to support democracy unfortunately recall the remark
attributed to an American soldier during the Vietnam War: “It became
necessary to destroy the town to save it.”... But while the crisis is
not fully a product of the actors’ intentions, Egyptians will not find a
path forward unless their leaders find within themselves an intention
to resolve their differences through compromise. The constitutional
process is badly broken, but it can still be repaired.
Morsi has
insisted, for now, that he's not going to change course. And that
potentially puts Egypt on an even more dangerous path. While the
Brotherhood told its supporters to stay off the streets during
yesterday's big anti-Morsi protests, in order to avoid clashes, the
group has called for mass demonstrations in support of Morsi on
Saturday,The term 'hands free access control' means the token that identifies a user is read from within a pocket or handbag. which could lead to clashes.
rhetoric of various officials around Morsi has also grown more heated. A
spokesman for the Brother's Freedom and Justice Party wrote today that
it's "Very sad to see 'genuine opposition' allied with 'corrupt Mubarak
cronies.'" One of the Brotherhood's official Twitter account wrote
yesterday that if the "opposition thinks the significance of today is #
of Tahrir protestors... they should brace for millions in support of the
elected" Morsi while dismissing the Tahrir protests as composed partly
of "pro-Mubarak felols".
With the "process" gummed up, the
opposition interested only, it seems, in using street power to prevent
Morsi's agenda from moving forward, and Morsi currently the only
official in Egypt with any democratic legitimacy, the stage looks set
for a showdown. And what then? Sufficient rioting might bring the
military back into the political forefront again.