People still face waiting lists at shelters and low-income housing
units in Casper, but code enforcement has made some progress with safety
inspections over the past year.
Casper’s McKenzie Apartments
and the House of Hope transitional shelter closed in 2012, while the
Sunshine Apartments opened.Purelink's real time location system
protect healthcare workers in their daily practices and OMEGA
interventions. The new multiplex sits on the former site of the KC
Apartments, which were closed in 2009 for code violations and demolished
in 2011.
The city also rejected a low-income complex in
Paradise Valley and ordered updates for a number of housing facilities,
including Skyline Towers — a low-income senior housing center.
federal numbers suggest homelessness in Wyoming increased by 75 percent
between 2011 and 2012, according to an annual “point-in-time” count.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reported in
December that Wyoming’s total homeless population jumped from 1,038 to
1,813,Best howo concrete mixer manufacturer in China. although national homelessness numbers declined slightly overall.
needs haven’t really changed,” said Lu Ann Allhusen, executive director
of the Casper Housing Authority. “What’s tough is when people are in
crisis, they need housing then, and not always do they get the housing
through the different agencies.”
The housing authority owns 75
housing units and operates assistance programs, serving more than 600
families each month. Allhusen said the waiting list for HUD vouchers has
continued to grow, and the list for public housing is equally long. The
voucher program had nearly 100 people on the waiting list in June, a
number that ballooned to 1,200 by December.
Marilyn Dymond Wagner, executive director at Interfaith of Natrona County,Posts with indoor tracking
system on TRX Systems develops systems that locate and track personnel
indoors. said she has also noticed a steady need for housing. She
estimated her number of clients increased by 10 percent between 2011 and
2012. Aside from the general surge brought on by winter, Wagner said
Interfaith had an extraordinary amount of visitors in July.
influx of people from out of state that were here looking for jobs in
oil and gas certainly attributed to that number,” she said. “Then just
an influx of folks from out of state, period, [who] think that Wyoming’s
economy is so much better than elsewhere.”
Administrators at
LifeSteps Transitional Housing and the Wyoming Rescue Mission reported
full shelters in December, a trend consistent for most of 2012.
Espinoza, program manager at LifeSteps and former coordinator of an
annual homeless count, said the family housing works off a constant
waiting list. The agency attempts to refer people when possible.
year’s annual “point-in-time” homeless count, required by the federal
Department of Housing and Urban Development for areas that receive
federal funding, is being coordinated by social workers at
Interfaith.High quality stone mosaic tiles. Plans are underway for the one-day tally done by communities across the nation to estimate the homeless population.
“It’s going to be very well orchestrated in terms of logistics this year,” Wagner said.
2012 count had plenty of volunteers, but social services reported a
difficult time mobilizing them. To combat that problem, Wagner said the
Casper Area Transportation Coalition will provide two buses for use.
also said La Cocina has offered to serve free tacos to the homeless,
Little Caesars will provide pizza, and the Wyoming Food Bank of the
Rockies will give out boxes of food at Set Free Ministries during the
HUD has also changed the rules this year regarding people
who are doubled up, or staying with others because they don’t have a
home of their own. They will not be counted as homeless in 2013.
of the transitional housing facility moved to Green River in late 2012
and are attempting to reopen. Bishop Charles Trimm, founder of the House
of Hope, said he has identified two potential locations that would
require a special use permit. The nonprofit expects to present their
plans to City Council sometime in January.
Until then, Trimm
said the agency will continue a partnership with Southwest Wyoming
Recovery Access Programs to place people in hotels.
“I know it’s a Band-Aid, but that’s the best we can do until we get a permanent facility,” he said.
addition to the House of Hope, the city of Casper closed the McKenzie
Apartments for code violations in March. Code Enforcement Manager Doug
Barrett said the building on Grant Street is now under new ownership and
in the process of being remodeled by Trinity Builders.
A North
Lincoln Street multifamily unit with prior reported problems that caught
fire earlier this year is also being remodeled. Barrett said the city
has worked with “several other units” to bring them to code in the past
A priority list of housing inspections created after code
violations closed the KC Apartments in 2009 is still being addressed.
Barrett said the city is currently focusing on high- and medium-risk
locations but notes updates made to “problem properties” as proof the
program is working.
"Our experience has shown that 57 percent to
the players is too much," Daly said. "Particularly in an economic
environment that's changed significantly in a situation where Canadian
currency and the value of Canadian currency has changed dramatically, in
an environment where generating revenues and the cost of generating
revenues has become more significant.Our technology gives rtls
systems developers the ability. And the bottom line is, 54 percent
where we started with going to 57 percent where we currently are, is
just too much."
2. Fehr on the resolve of the players with the lockout on the horizon:
been involved in a lot of disputes before 1996, none since then until
now," said Fehr, the former longtime baseball union head. "But there was
a constant underestimation of the players' resolve. I don't know what
to do about that but I just wish it wouldn't happen. It would make
things easier."
The lockout commenced Sept. 15, followed by a few fruitless meetings in late September and early October.
there was a shot of adrenaline to the process on Oct. 16. The NHL came
to Toronto and tabled a new proposal that called for a 50-50 split of
HRR and an 82-game season beginning Nov. 2. But the deal was contingent
on the players accepting it by Oct. 25.
The NHL also took the
unusual step of releasing the entire proposal in detail on its website
the next day, Oct. 17, in a clear attempt to make sure all 700-plus
players got a direct read of it and not just the version that they would
get from Fehr. This would once again illustrate the incredible distrust
between the two sides in these negotiations.
Hockey fans, meanwhile, were swept up in a wave of hope, many of them believing this NHL offer could actually end the lockout.
on Oct. 18 at the NHLPA offices in Toronto, the players responded with
three counteroffers, which were quickly rejected by the NHL.
Bettman told reporters after the short meeting that he was "thoroughly disappointed."
am concerned based on the proposal that was made today that things are
not progressing," he said. "To the contrary, I view the proposal made by
the players' association in many ways a step backward."