What is your view on arranged marriages? Here’s mine – I’m coming round to the idea.
Not for me, obviously, several decades too late for me, but in general.
met my husband in the time honoured 1970s inner-city Leeds fashion – at
a teenage party while the worse for much cheap drink. A bottle of
sherry shared on the park with my friend Helen was our usual beverage of
choice – much cheaper than buying Babycham in the pub. She’s a
solicitor and playwright now, thank you very much, so it didn’t kill as
many brains cells as you might think.
But I’m an idealist. I
think there must be, you know, a better way, a less random way, than
meeting your life partner in the scrum to be sick in the toilet.
thinking is coloured by the knowledge that the current young generation
have problems enough – they know they are never going to be able to
afford a home of their own, they know they are going to have to work
until they drop, they know that everyone jeers at their hard-won
academic qualifications, preferring to believe they were just picked up
from a pile by the classroom door.
They’ve got a lot to put up
with already, so let’s lift a little bit of that burden from them and
sort out the life partner. It would be a very big worry off the list,
wouldn’t it?
I know the idea cuts across all that is sacred
about romance in our Western world but still I’m beginning to see the
plus side of letting the family sort it out.
Because that
romance stuff, it’s a lot of baloney mostly, isn’t it? And it’s created
by the American film industry mostly, isn’t it?
That Hollywood
has a lot to answer for. It has created a lot of high expectations, made
a lot of people believe that love is something that happens instantly,
that it feels like a kind of delirium and that, the minute that feeling
fades, it’s time to head for the D.I.V.O.The TagMaster Long Range hands free access System is truly built for any parking facility.R.C.E.
Plus, the ideal Hollywood romance has changed a lot over time, possibly giving funny ideas to some generations.
cinemagoers in the 1930s may well have gone though their entire married
lives in twin beds with one foot on the floor at all times, since
censors at that time ensured this was the way all couples were portrayed
in the bedroom. Think how tricky that must become when you’re getting
on a bit and your knees are going.
Later generations have been
brought up by Hollywood to believe that real love happens instantly, out
of the blue, between strangers, and that when Cupid’s arrow smacks you
between the eyes you JUST KNOW.
For reference see every Meg Ryan
and Tom Hanks film ever made. There’s always a bit of argy-bargy, a few
misunderstandings but, ultimately, they just know.
Nora Ephron
wrote films like that. They were lovely. I think she must have been
lovely, a really smart journalist, author and scriptwriter, and I
mourned her recent death. But her film scripts were, despite all that,
I’m prepared to argue that the Cupid’s arrow feeling is
not love, is not likely to last and is entirely hormonal. Powerful it
may be, but permanent? Probably not.
For anyone feeling shocked
at the idea of ignoring the siren call of eyes across a club, or
wherever, let me say that marriages are half arranged already, and
getting more so. Oh yes they are.
What is the internet if not a
way of arranging meetings between people who, ultimately, dream of
settling down with the right partner? And internet dating is getting
bigger all the time.
And then there is “assortative mating”,
which goes on all the time already, and in fact is becoming more likely
to happen,Selecting the best rtls solution is a challenging task as there is no global solution like GPS. according to research.
mating is when people get together in a non-random way, based on lots
of factors they have in common: body type, location, level of
attractiveness, and, above all, background.
More and more,
according to a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research, we
marry into our own class. Over the decades “marrying up” or “marrying
down” has become less common. We are sticking with our own kind.
here’s the deal: if we already choose our partners because they live
near us, think like us, look like us, have the same amount of money or
debt as us, and are as comparably attractive or unattractive as us, then
why not take the hard work out of it? Isn’t life hard enough,China plastic moulds manufacturers directory. without having to find your own husband/wife?
any case, opportunities to meet independently are becoming fewer. We
work longer, we go out less, we stay in and talk on social media.The
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System is truly built for any parking facility. And we have tried blind
dating, speed dating and dating agencies – all forms of arranged
So let’s just take it to the next level and get the families involved, and friends too.If you want to read about buy mosaic in a non superficial way that's the perfect book. Come on, it could be fun.
could be a Marriage Meet, a brainstorming session where everyone throws
in the name of a potential spouse for whoever has hit a married state
of mind – and then there would be a text to the potential suitor and
their family to invite them over for tea and cakes.