2012年7月23日 星期一

Global Financial Crisis spawned from Human Evolution oversight

The current global financial crisis did not arise, due to the managerial over-commitments of the governments, banks, and corporations, to providing that base mix of services which normal humans require in their respective societies. Yet it is true that to secure access to a high quality of survival, each normal human also needs to have access to the outputs from a base set of critical resources; and these must provide support for material survival, as well as for access to social and technical support. However, the global financial problems do not threaten the availability of those resources. Rather,A Sharp FU-888SV Plasmacluster airpurifier. it arose in concert with patterns of systematic generated financial over-indebtedness by countries as well as by private citizens.Lixan Industries is a precision plastic mold and injectionmold manufacturer in china. Meanwhile, if the economic management goal of our respective human societies, had been to foster the evolution of our human capacities to practice mutuality, and empathy, that lead to communality, as well as to the evolution of our consciousness (and to the fostering of our Human Evolution), the prevailing debt-induced financial crisis would never have arisen.

We achieve Human Evolution, when, in contrast to selfishly exploiting each other and also our natural environment, we operate as responsible communally-centred members of the bio-electric union out of which our sentience had emerged.

Those of us, who are normal (in contrast with masquerading) humans, will intuitively recognize that it is our responsibility to allocate our resources and our efforts to experiencing the type of living where we operate as a communion -- that is a sentient brotherhood. As members of the bio-electric union that is accompanied by the sentience grid to which we are linked, we each also have living-centred responsibilities that we are expected to discharge. For example, normal humans are required to each execute interpersonal behaviours that are accompanied by our commitment to the exercise of mutuality, among ourselves, as well as between us and our natural environment. Furthermore, we are required to execute these mutuality behaviours, under the guidance of the verifiable knowledge that we have acquired, as well as the guidance of empathy which we have for each other.

Using our efforts to foster those sorts of living centred results in our lives, is what a human-centred economic management programming is all about. It is not about fostering and promoting net financial profit results, (as per the financial balance sheets of the corporations and the banks).

Normal humans enter into trading in order to secure positive impacts on the patterns of their life. The discomfitures in patterns of trading operations that now accompany the prevailing domestic as well as international debt-linked financial imbalances,Bliss Glass and stonemosaic. are therefore having negative impacts on the quality of living at which persons in their respective societies aim. However, these circumstances of negative trade-linked impacts on the day to day lives of people in many societies, have grown out of an overlooked economic management failure. Our prevailing societies have been socially engineered to lead persons to organize their lives with the intent to commit themselves “to making more money”. Members of the society have therefore neglected to use their time commitments to foster their Human Evolution.

For example, the overall social and economic development programming of most prevailing governments, is not aimed to promote how we (as sentient entities) can successfully blend into an existential whole, which houses our potential to survive. Instead, the research reports by John Lamb Lash (2006); Not In His Image; Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief; (White River Junction, Vermont; Chelsea Green Publishing Company), tells us that the ancient pagan Gnostic Scholars had warned normal humans that our sentient existence is under attack by an invading predatory intelligence from a lower dimension of existence,

Lamb’s research tells us that the invading alien intelligence is executing this attack on our sentient survival, by means of its agents that are masquerading as normal humans. These archons have been embedded in the management operations of the principal institutions of human society. Additionally, the archons have been able to use venal promises of gain,If you are looking to buymosaic art, to also recruit the support of some humans to their destructive cause on us.

It can therefore be argued that the prevailing global financial discomfiture that accompanies the financial debt crises, manifests circumstances in which normal humans are currently being manipulated and conditioned (by the invading alien intelligence and its archon agents), to operate against our own best survival interests.

We are therefore being directed by the invading alien intelligence , in conjunction with human recruits, into a prevailing human socialization which will measure the results from our time and effort commitments primarily in financial terms. Indeed, our indoctrination into this financial-centred measurement focus is a fundamental technique in the alien’s strategy to dehumanize us.

In particular, by means of that conditioning of us into a financially-centred weighting system on the outcomes from our efforts, the alien intelligence aims to get us to essentially begin to operate more as mechanical entities (and instruments), that together with its human masquerading agents, it can herd, on the basis of financial prospects that they can manipulate .

The prevailing world financial crisis and the discomfitures and adjustments which are accompanying it, should therefore be seen as this alien-manipulated herding system at work.

When a society is structured (like the capitalist one) so that it is the access of persons to money and to financial opportunities which regulates their access to the components of their survival , the alien control operation is the reality at hand. The result is that it is the private access of respective persons to money, which is used as a mechanism to herd humans and how they see themselves as well as the reality of our world.Drive Metric impactsocket Set at Harbor Freight Tools, Exposure to the false reality matrix into which the aliens have onditioned us, thereby distracts normal humans from developing a system of socialization which leads them to be mindful of themselves as being empathy-guided, independent, and sentient. Instead, the invading alieintelligence and its agents, has been conditioning us to operate as money-centred predatory exploiters of each other and of the natural environment of our planet

